LU - Calif.
Last Sept. a very remarkable gathering of some 50 FPs and a number of wives occurred up on the beautiful coast of Oregon. Dream '73 it was called by its sponsors, the Lambda Sigma chapter of FPE. The above 2 shots were taken at this 5 day get together at which rumor tells me every- one had a marvelous time. However no one has so far seen fit to write up a report of the happening. Since I couldn't be there myself I am planning to go to Dream '74 next September and find out for myself. I hope that a lot of you will be equally curious to see and will plan on coming. The actual dates aren't set yet but probably in the second week of Sept. 1974. If you want to know more you can write to Lambda Sigma, Box 58, 507 Third Ave. Seattle, WA 98104. Maybe there will be a write up in TVia No. 81 when the participants cool down enough to write up a report. See you there in '74.